Antisemitism Undermining Democracy
Recent examples from various European countries show that the occurrence of antisemitic incidents has been on the rise in most European societies. This includes a growth of antisemitic sentiment and crimes towards Finnish Jewry and Finnish-Jewish places of worship and institutions as well. The dangers of antisemitism to democracy in general, and Finland’s democracy in particular, have previously been acknowledged internationally. The project “Antisemitism Undermining Democracy,” or colloquially referred to as “Debunking Antisemitism” aims to initiate novel research on antisemitism in Finland, by studying several manifestations of the phenomena from an interdisciplinary angle. The main goal of the project is to provide a nuanced picture of how antisemitism is developing in Finland. The research implemented in this project accounts for online antisemitism (Antisemitism 2.0), perceived antisemitism (Antisemitism Experienced) and real-life antisemitic incidents (Antisemitism Performed). The results of the research will deepen the understanding of systems of oppression, not limited to antisemitism and racism and will shed light on how systems of oppression are interconnected.
The research team consists of the project leader Mercédesz Czimbalmos, Dóra Pataricza and Nóra Varga.
This project is funded by the Kone Foundation with additional funding from the Polin Institute.
Survey on discrimination and hate crime against Jews in Finland
Kysely juutalaisiin kohdistuvasta syrjinnästä ja viharikoksista Suomessa
The research project is organizing the conference ”Dialogue on Antisemitism: A Path Towards Understanding and Action” on January 29-30, 2025 in Turku/Åbo. More information here.