Polin Day November 29, at 10 am to 5 pm
Biskopsgatan 16, Åbo
Welcome to the Polin Day in Auditorum Theologicum, Biskopsgatan 16! The theme for the Polin Day is Theology in the Crosspoint between Christianity and Islam. Possibility to join via Zoom, https://aboakademi.zoom.us/j/69154819357 (Meeting ID: 691 5481 9357).
The schedule for the day is as follows:
Wednesday 29 November, 2023
10:00 Prof Mika Vähäkangas and Laura Wickström: Welcome and introduction to the topic of the day
10:15 Prof Serafim Seppälä (University of Eastern Finland): A Symbol at the Crosspoint: the Cross in the Early Encounter of Christians and Muslims
11:15 Prof Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen (Fuller Theological Seminary, The Polin Institute): “The End of All Things is at Hand”: Eschatology Project in the Intersection of Islam, Christianity, and Sciences
12.15-13.45 Lunch in Grädda
13.45 Tuomas Ali-Hokka (University of Helsinki): Muslims and the pre-Islamic scriptures of fellow Abrahamic religions
14:30 Coffee
15.15 Anne Heikkinen (University of Helsinki): Palestinian Contextual Theology: Munib Younan’s theological thinking in the interface of three monotheistic religions
16:00 Panel discussion with Prof Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, Tuomas Ali-Hokka and Anne Heikkinen, moderated by Laura Wickström
17:00 Closing of the Polin Day
18 Dinner at Hügge, registration by 20 November
The Polin Institute will entertain all interested to lunch and dinner. The dinner will take place at Restaurant Hügge, Linnankatu 3, at 6 pm. The dinner is open for everyone but requires a registration by 20 November to Tove Höglund (Tove.Hoglund@abo.fi). In connection with the registration, please let us know about any possible allergies and diet restrictions. Please also let us know if you wish to participate in the lunch at Grädda with allergies and table reservations in mind.