Polin Day February 20, at 10 am to 5.30 pm
Auditorium Theologicum, Biskopsgatan 16, Åbo and Zoom
Pentecostalism: Exploring Key Themes and Global Trends
Welcome to the Polin Day in Auditorum Theologicum, Biskopsgatan 16! The theme for the Polin Day is Pentecostalism: Exploring Key Themes and Global Trends. Possibility to join via Zoom https://aboakademi.zoom.us/j/7947480078 (Meeting ID: 794 748 0078).
The schedule for the day is as follows:
Tuesday 20 February, 2024
9:30-10:00 Coffee
10:00-10:15 Welcome and introduction, Martina Björkander
10:15-11:15 Prof. Mark Cartledge, London School of Theology: European Pentecostal Public Theology: Exploring Key Themes
11:15-12:00 Prof. Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, Fuller Theological Seminary, The Polin Institute: “Does the Spirit Really Blow Where it Wills?”: Global Pentecostalism(s) and the Pneumatological Challenge
12:00-12.45 Prof. Sanna Pauliina Urvas, Theological School of Finland: Justice behind diakonia. Prof. Estrelda Alexander’s theology of justice as a motivation for diakonia practices in Black Pentecostal tradition.
12:45-14:00 Lunch at Grädda
14:00-15:15 Book launch and presentation for Martina Björkander (2024) Worship, Ritual, and Pentecostal Spirituality-as-Theology: A Rhythm that Connects our Hearts with God, Brill.
Dr. Martina Björkander, Åbo Akademi University, The Polin Institute: Key Takeaways from “Worship, Ritual, and Pentecostal Spirituality-as-Theology”
Panel discussion and Q&A
15:15-15:45 Dr. Chongpongmeren Jamir, Åbo Akademi University, The Polin Institute: Polynucleated origin of Pentecostalism and local movements in India: Historiographical issues
15:45-16:15 Coffee
16:15-16:45 Samora Harry Ayivor, Charles University, The Polin Institute: Dynamism in the Healing Ministry among West African Pentecostals and Charismatics
16:45-17:15 Francis Benyah, Åbo Akademi University, The Polin Institute: Prophetism and Psychosocial Wellbeing among Neo-Pentecostal Christians in Ghana
17:15-17:30 Closing words by Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen
18.00 Dinner at Roster
The Polin Institute will entertain all interested to lunch and dinner. The dinner will take place at Roster Turku, Domkyrkogatan 6, at 6 pm. The dinner consists of a surprise menu and possible allergies and diet restrictions will be considered. The dinner is open for everyone but requires a registration by 12 February to Laura Wickström (polinkoordinator@abo.fi). In connection with the registration, please let us know about any possible allergies and diet restrictions. Please also let us know if you wish to participate in the lunch at Grädda with allergies and table reservations in mind.
The day is organized in collaboration with the Institute for Pentecostal Studies, Sweden.